How does TrailRunner mini import and export the GPX file format

The GPX file format ( is an open standard that describes geographic information.
Within that format there is a conceptual difference between three types of point information:

  • Track-Points: this is a raw recording representing a course. TrailRunner mini creates track-points as a result of a calculated route (the course you see on the map)
  • Route-Points: : this represents a stop point on a route and is represented as a transit location (routing pin) in TrailRunner mini. Given two transit locations, TrailRunner mini calculates a track between these using the OpenStreetMap Network.
  • Way-Points: this represents a landmark in TrailRunner mini.

Whenever you export files from external sources and import them in TrailRunner mini, try to keep the data straight within the expectations of TrailRunner mini. Some applications may export tracks as a series of wpt-tags which leads to serious misunderstandings within TrailRunner mini.

There are some type conversion tools out there that may help. Like

When you export routes in the GPX format to be displayed on other devices, the same applies. Some apps may not make a difference between track/route and way-points and may display all at the same time. To avoid this, you most likely want to export your route containing trackPoints only.

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Read more:
What are landmarks and waypoints?

How can I import GPS Recordings from my Sports Watch?

TrailRunner mini can import files in the format of GPX, TCX and HRM. Whatever sports watch or device you own, you first have to export the data files onto your mac and then import then into TrailRunner mini.

There are several helper applications outside in the wild that directly connect to your device and can export your recorded data in the one of the file formats TrailRunner mini can read. A few examples of such applications are:

Communicates with GPS devices from many manufacturers to send and receive data.

Free software that converts waypoints, tracks and routes from various consumer GPS receivers.

Garmin ANT Agent, Garmin Training Center and the Garmin Connect Website
Support all older and current Garmin devices

Supports the Polar RS200, RS200sd, CS200, CS200cad, F6 and F7