What's the resolution of the workout data graph?

Problem: When I view my workout data in other applications like garmin training center, the data points for heart-rate and speed are much more noisy detailed than in TrailRunner. Additionally the TrailRunner graph seems not to start at the left edge of the chart but appears to be indented. Furthermore a TrailRunner graph line sometimes is being drawn as a straight line without any intermediate data points, although there should be some.
Background: Other applications display the raw data of a device. This makes the graph unreadable. The philosophy of TrailRunner instead is to display the overall trend and development of your workout session.
Approach: TrailRunner has an auto split feature where the workout is being sliced into fixed distance intervals. For each interval the statistical median value is being calculated and one data point reflecting this value is then being used as a representative. As the location of the representative can be somewhere in-between the first interval, the graph might appear to be indented. Furthermore if representatives in adjacent intervals fall onto a straight line, only the edges representatives are being drawn and the connection line depicts the trend development.
Details: The auto split feature uses the following distance intervals. By the time of this writing it’s 250 m for workouts shorter than 10 km, then 500m up to 20 km, 1000 m up to 50 km and 10000 m from there on. A route with 42 km would then have 5 intervals.
Example: Below the identical workout in Garmin Training Center (upper image) and TrailRunner (lower image)

It’s rather obvious that the speed Graph in Garmin Training Center is full of noise and false signals. TrailRunner filters this out and gives you the statistical trend (blue line) for each interval (white circle within each interval separated by a white vertical line)

The thinner line around the blue line depicts the value range, so you still can make up that within the interval there was a great spread of values, but most of the time you stayed near the value depicted by the thick line.

BTW please note that the Garmin speed graph is upside down, so slower is a value near the top and faster is a value near the end. TrailRunner uses a the natural, mirrored display approach, where “better” is on top.