Importing GPX files as Activities, Routes and Tracks.

Problem: When you import a GPX file, the following intentions may be on your mind:
a) The GPX file you import is actually a recorded workout of your own (possibly containing heart-rate data), so it's an activity.
b) The file contains a route created by someone else and you want to add it to your own list of routes.
c) You are interested in the tracks and way-points contained in the file and you want to merge them into your network of tracks -- to be used in future routes you create.

Solution: when you import a GPX file, TrailRunner asks you if the file is to be imported as an activity or a route. Chose either option.
When you want to import the waypoints only, go to the Document Toolbar > Locations and import the file there.

Tip: For a better conceptual understanding of TrailRunner and the difference between tracks, routes and activities, take a look at the TrailRunner QuickGuide Tutorial